3. Difusor - Website Design

Joao Gil for Difusor Productions
Difusor Website - Platform for Releases, Interviews and Music Sessions.
Within the previously designed brand guidelines, we developed the website for Didusor productions. Our goal was to keep information architecture simple and clear, developing three main sections for the website in which Difusor would promote material: Releases, Sessions and Interviews.
This was a turning point in their activity for they had always tried to promote content by release date, which created inconsistency and a lack of understanding by their audience of which services and content were they delivering.
Keeping a 50/50 ratio was an initial idea explored around the squared formats of CD boxes and booklets. It also allowed the content not only to be found easily and consistently accross the website, but also to handle long title names from musical groups and collectives.
The website also opens with a further development of the Difusor brand, projecting a slow fade-in/out that visualizes the emission of sound waves as a metaphor of spreading classical music.
Throughout the website, the content also takes the main stage, given the darker colours, mimicking the dark rooms and stages inhabited by the performers in the videos, typical of a music concert.
The website shines for it’s simplicity that enables navigation thorugh different content with a minimalist and professional but contemporary feel to an innovative and contemporary music promoter.