Traces (Series) , 2019 — 2022 (Ongoing)
Digital photographs, Injket prints, dimensions variable

After people have left, only memories and a peculiar kind of materiality remain;1

Traces examines human imprints on the landscape and questions our ideas of idillic, wildnerness and natural-nature2  ignoring or denying the implications of the natural-cultural disctinction or the effects that these ideas have on the landscape.

Inversively, one could also read the possiblity of whats left behind if humanity would collapse, providing an apocalypic (?) view of a world without us.3

Featuring sand, both thematically and conceptually, appearing as a visual unifier in these photographs - taken in multiple locations in the course of several months - but also as a methaphor of different photographic fragments that together are perceived and compose an unfified whole.

This whole is however always shifting and it’s transience perhaps best revealed only by crystallising it’s continuum.

1.  Ruin Porn and the Obcession with Decay, Siobhan Lyons, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
2. The Trouble with Wilderness; or, Getting Back to the Wrong Nature, W. W. Norton & Co., 1995
3. The World Without Us, Alan Weisman,Dunne Books, 2007